We know there is a great and ever-increasing need for Gerson practitioners. More patients than ever are beginning the Gerson Therapy from home, rather than at a clinic, and need oversight, guidance and qualified medical advice from someone fully trained and certified in the therapy. We’ve decided to make training new Gerson practitioners a priority here at the Institute, and we know it will be a great investment in the future of the Gerson Therapy. Our eventual goal is to have at least one Gerson practitioner in every state, and on every continent!
The Importance of Soil
For our Earth Month with the Gerson Institute series, we help you find where to get organic produce, how to start a garden and how to turn your trash into treasure by composting. Now we’re gett
From Trash to Treasure with Compost
Throughout the Gerson Kitchen Video Series I mention the term “compost”. Usually, I use it in regards to food scraps, or what some may call waste. If you’re on the Gerson Therapy, or someone who happe