March 2010 was when I started the Gerson Therapy, and March 2012 was when I decided enough work had been done and discontinued my four coffee enemas per day routine*. As I write this on my eight year anniversary after completing Gerson Therapy, the following words are my way of paying forward with altruistic means for others who are still trying to figure out why good health is difficult to achieve.
I think the most important piece of information to tell you is that I’m feeling vibrant and have more physical and mental energy to thrive than I did when I was a young man in my 20’s. The innumberable bodily symptoms I experienced over the course of my chronic illness are no longer detectable.
Why, you ask?! It’s because the Gerson Therapy was an important step in my understanding of the basic nutritional and detoxification knowledge necessary for taking care of this physical body of mine.
I am grateful to the Gerson Institute and all its staff who tirelessly help people in need, as I was. At this moment it is my honor to assist those in need by sharing the outcome of my time and experience on the Gerson Therapy. There is nothing in it for me by sharing my story and these words. The inspiration comes from all of you whom I have spoken with over the years through the Gerson Institute’s Recovered Patients Network. Perhaps once you have read my first and second Gerson testimonials, and now this one, eight years later, you might believe the Gerson Therapy to be approaching a truth.
Another opinion: if you learn to follow the Gerson Therapy now, you will have a life-long tool to apply when symptoms may arise in the future. After all, avoiding toxins in our environment is a very difficult task and eventually an over exposure can sneak up on you.
P.S. I’m 59, and now know that I’m going to live well over 100 years in age.
What I Learned
Taking care of one’s body is really simple! All one has to do is follow what Mark Twain once said, “Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.”
The Gerson Therapy erased all which I learned in K-12 and provided a proper method of caring for my physical body. It’s not difficult to learn.
Most human disease comes from over acidification of the body (low pH) through the actions of improper foods, improper food combining, exposure to toxins, negative thoughts, stress, lack of exercise, low oxygen and lack of bowel elimination. We become the perfect host environment for bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold when we follow this so called “American Lifestyle.”
The reason I know, is because I did it to myself and my body started to rot just like that piece of food left out for too long. Do your research and learn, many disease symptoms are caused by our necessary bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold and their waste products. Usually by the time we figure it out, this condition has infiltrated every part of our body, trying to recycle us back into the dirt we came from…
If you want this cycle of infection and recycling to end, start the Gerson program. Not only will you become alkaline, but you accelerate healing by cleaning out the body with coffee enemas. Over time, your body’s aerobic/anaerobic flora will change back to a balanced state and symptoms will gradually disappear as your body reverts back to normal.
Please don’t misunderstand me! The Gerson Therapy takes practice and discipline. I didn’t start out doing the program perfectly. However, I followed my intuition and did it. Guess what happened? I still healed.
And you know what else?! Over the past several years I have found myself getting back into old patterns of improper eating. Darn it! For example, having taken over a year and a half of antibiotics trying to treat my Lyme Disease, this treatment recommended by a doctor caused severe gut infestation of yeast and fungus (candida) and when I eat sugar, that is when I feel symptoms arise. Now I know what to do! Immediately, I start work on making my body alkaline by cutting out any sugar, increasing raw foods and green drinks. Works every time… but just goes to show how vigilant we need to be in order to stay healthy.
It’s up to YOU
What I have experienced as a member of the Gerson Institute’s Recovered Patients Network is our need to be kind and loving to ourselves.
We tend to believe that “we are our thoughts” and defend them as if they were golden treasures. This way of thinking only makes life much more complicated than it really is. I have heard all of the excuses as to doubt or fear of failure, and the one which stands out the most is not trusting your intuition and believing you have the power to become your own healer.
So many times I hear within the stories I’m being told that recovery is a constant quest for yet another doctor who you believe knows what to tell you to do. You know you’re suffering from disease, so stop wasting time and get to work alkalizing and cleaning out your body!
One of our basic rights as a human is free will. We have the free will to control what we think, do or allow to be done to our physical bodies.
Start exercising this right. Start believing in yourself, start by using your daily “good moments” for critical thinking.
To your health,
*Visit our Treatment Options page for information on Gerson Therapy treatment options. We strongly recommend and encourage working with a Gerson Practitioner within our Network for personalized, one-on-one guidance throughout the treatment from a qualified medical professional.
Read about James’ journey on the Gerson Therapy, “The Real Me is Returning: Lyme Disease and Gerson Therapy“, and “Life After Gerson: My First Year Free of Lyme Disease“.
Educational articles like this are made possible with the help of your donations. Help us continue the legacy of Dr. Max Gerson, his daughter Charlotte Gerson, and the thousands who rely on the Gerson Institute for vital educational materials and training.
Written by: James Cudworth
Edited by: Kayla Szampruch