On June 8th, Beata Bishop celebrated her 100th Birthday
Joined in London by her long-time friends, including staff from the Gerson Health Centre, Europe, Beata enjoyed birthday treats, presents, and quality time with loved ones outdoors.
Beata was diagnosed with stage IV spreading melanoma in 1980. This was fast-spreading, and Beata was told she only had two months to live. She underwent a disfiguring surgery that failed to stop the advance of the disease.
Not one to give up, Beata searched and searched until she found the Gerson Therapy, and was on her way to the first Gerson clinic in Mexico. Beata documented her time at the clinic and her miraculous recovery in her book, A Time to Heal. After her successful recovery, Beata became an advocate for the Gerson Therapy: she was a founding member of the Gerson Support Group, UK (no longer in service); served as a Charmain for the Hungarian Source of Health Foundation; worked annually as a psychotherapist at the Foundation; and dedicated more than twenty-five years to lecturing, writing, teaching, and training in Europe, thus providing the cornerstone for establishing Europe’s first Gerson clinic in Budapest, Hungary – the Gerson Health Centre.

In 2010, Beata was selected to receive the Gerson Institute’s first ever Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Recognition for her decades-long volunteer work in the interest of spreading education on the Gerson Therapy. Beata also became known as the “European Ambassador of the Gerson Therapy” due to her long term lectures and publicity efforts. In addition to her lectures throughout Europe, Beata is a novelist and has published several articles as a writer for the BBC. Along with two other Hungarian psychologists, Beata founded the Hungarian Transpersonal Association in 1994, after the philosophy of Karl Jung.

We are eternally grateful to Beata and her life-long achievements and contributions to the success of the Gerson Therapy. She is an inspiration, and we would not be where we are today without her.